Wednesday, March 01, 2006

That sticky feeling - STUCK.

My days are, more often than not, divided into themes, an unconscious decision. Maybe it is an auto-mechanism to keep the brain from getting rusty, maybe it is a profound horror of complete mental boredom, maybe i'm just a screwed-up case. At a superficial level, there is always a monologue/dialogue/argument/poem/song going on in my mind. At a more implicit level, it is my themes.
So about a month ago, the 'theme' was synchronicity and coincidences. That means i looked for, and found, wonder and meaning and messages in every coincidence i encountered...and i encountered countless, i still do, i still haven't switched off. For the last few days, however, a curious phenomenon has been tugging at my hems. People seem stuck.
I meet people, i talk to them, i read about them and i watch how they function in what limited way i can, and most of them seem stuck in something or the other, most often either the past, or in what they were in the past. 18 year olds seem stuck at 13...... students with 1 year of college left before stepping into 'real life' seem stuck in standard 9....people who have grown to be able to murder another seem stuck in and rave about a time when they wouldn't have hurt a fly.......people way way beyond circumstances in the past seem stuck in the mental representation of the same circumstances, regardless of the fact that life now is diametrically different. I'm certain in a day or two i'm gonna see things i'm stuck in myself...and since consciously, i cannot pinpoint any bit of the past that i can say i am stuck in, my mind is gonna work doubly hard at unearthing preconscious and unconscious stuff....
It was fine until we dabbled with synchronicity, but psychoanalysis sounds a little less harmless.


At 9:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


*falls off chair laughing*
Freud won't like you saying that...and neither will any of the others :-P

"I'm just trying to find
A decent melody
A song that I can sing
In my own company"

At 2:06 AM, Blogger Soul of Dawn said...

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At 8:55 AM, Blogger Effervescence_13_ said...

bugs : a little 'less' harmless ma cherie! And i think Siggi will LOVE me for saying that...HIS discovery more formidable than Jung's? He'd be patting me on the back right now if he were alive!

On second thoughts, don't want his pats. He might just dish out some theory about how facial distortions are a sign of repressed sexual-aggressive energy when i smirk.

SOD : so i'm guessing the LIFT in Pondicherry got a bit too sticky after a while eh ??? :P
i don't think we really notice the stickiness or even the fact that we're stuck. Revelling in misery, as i like to call it, is a different story.
great insight on the candy man tho'. Wish more ppl were aware of that. WE enjoy, WE get tired, WE blame. HELLLLLLOOOOOO, ever heard of an INTERNAL locus of control?

At 9:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


you have NO idea how much i'm loving i know exactly what those rats must have been feeling if they could think about what they felt...maybe they do...

*prances around*

At 10:35 AM, Blogger Nepharius said...

"u've got to get urself together u've got stuck in the moment
and u can't get out of it!
Oh lord! look at u now
u got urself stuck in a moment
and u can't get out of it"
- U2 :)

At 11:07 PM, Blogger Effervescence_13_ said...

Bugs : while on the subject, how about a rat-pigeon embargo as objects of experimentation? I've been dabbling with the idea for quite some time now. Come to think of it, it really doesn't make much sense. You have to study rat psychology first if you wanna take the easy way out. And ethical reasons? Aren't there enough ppl in the world we would love to administer shocks to?

Chint : Yes, great minds think alike.

At 10:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol @ 'psycho' girls

At 4:20 AM, Blogger Effervescence_13_ said...

lol @ 'anonymous' chickens

At 10:07 AM, Blogger Soul of Dawn said...

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At 12:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

some more lol @ 'really psycho' students

At 1:02 AM, Blogger Effervescence_13_ said...

talk about being stuck.

At 10:34 AM, Blogger Soul of Dawn said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

guzy-ethics...we shall have a whole discussion on that apres les examens; till then pigeons are rather stupid birds, fun to study me thinks...and why not, we can get the particulars out of the way and experiment :-)

rox & guzy-now now, why let birds ruffle your feathers?

anon-hmm...something tells me you know us considering no one's name, except perhaps mine reveals our gender/sex...
goosy goosy gander...
why do you meander
into people's blogs,
economic in your candour?

At 10:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the comments were a giveaway. guys are silly but not sooooo silly

At 10:53 AM, Blogger Effervescence_13_ said...

SOD : intellectualisation
bugs : sublimation gone bad
anonymous : projection, denial, rationalisation and regression.

But all are innately good.

At 11:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*falls off chair laughing*
by god woman that was so incredibly funny i'm sure stress ahs screwed my brains for finding it so...

do NOT forget i come under the wing of unconditional positive regard...hrmp!

At 10:11 PM, Blogger Effervescence_13_ said...

STRESS has screwed MY brains? And who came up with 'Jung said man seeks to be whole and Freud said man seeks to be IN a hole"???

At 9:15 AM, Blogger Effervescence_13_ said...

You almost rhymed there! :p

At 8:51 AM, Blogger Effervescence_13_ said...

I do NOT need this when i'm trying to fiure out the rhyme schemes of tennyson and the terza rima , OK?

At 1:43 AM, Blogger Soul of Dawn said...

ofcourse...u will need it wen something is really "stuck"


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