Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Saying Goodbye

Its not like the person matters too much or the person matters at all.In an ideal world, with an ideal life, people shouldn't matter anyway.Then why is it so hard to say goodbye? If moving on is easy, why does the process of 'let go' suck the life out of you? It ruins everything, you know, everything. And somehow it is always the so-called 'indispensable' ones whom the goodbye has to be bid.

It is a tricky word, goodbye. If you say it, you regret it for the rest of your life.If you don't say it, you wallow in the guilt for the rest of your life. For, sometimes, and i tell this a lot to me, they are not going because they want to.It's simply because they have to. It is a simple fact to pinpoint, but not an easy one to come to terms with. Anger, frustration, are by-products of attachment. They will rear their head somewhere, somehow. So you don't say goodbye, as a sort of 'punishment'. Or you do say it, which is far worse a punishment sometimes.

I hate the word, personally. Arrivederci or phir milenge are commas, perhaps colons. Goodbye is a full stop. Final. There shouldn't be finality in anything. Finality shakes my faith in life.

Then again, they say that whatever happens, happens for the best. So it doesn't really matter what you say or whether you say it. In the greater scheme of things, all this coming- going business is petty ephemera.Even Jainenderkumar Jain told me that when Manohar shattered Surbala's sand-castle.Kabir keeps stressing on it. Rahim re-iterates. My own head tells me to get over this 'sheer nonsense'. I wish it was themIi had to bid goodbye.They won't let me be. It's all I am asking for.Please, please just let me be.And let there be no goodbyes anymore...and no more reasons to say them.


At 4:44 PM, Blogger Badhri said...

I have gone through the feeling you have expressed. You are right. More often than not, good byes are painful, if the word is good enough to say it all. But be careful of what you wish for! There are instances when good byes are sweet too. It really depends on person to whom the good bye goes to, doesn't it? If you haven't met such a person yet, consider yourself very,very lucky!


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