Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Against All Odds

A miracle happened today. Simon Cowell actually told an aspiring American Idol that she would not only win the competition, but would also become the most popular Idol so far. I am wont to believe that was because Paula Abdul seemed under contract to land two smackers on his cheek every time a positive utterance escaped his mouth, but it still qualifies as a miracle.

Then, in the same show, i experienced something better than a miracle. After a loooooooooooong time i heard the song 'Against All Odds' by Phil Collins. I had almost forgotten it even existed. I think it's one of the most super songs ever penned.

Before all this i went to see the dermatologist on a routine visit and he did two beastly things. First, he operated upon some wierd virus infection on the middle finger of my left hand. I probably got the worst injection of my life, after which mom had the nerve to say 'don't be a baby its just a local anesthetic'. yah sure. And i thought those were given to numb us against pain. After this i think i could have borne anything that was to come (not!). The rest of it was interesting actually. I could watch unaffected, like a third person, as he first burnt the wound black ant then cut it off. I felt like huck finn, getting kicks out of the whole operation. Huck finn would have grinned, however, to see that all this while my middle finger was pointed right at the derm:p

The second horrible thing he did, whose effects i'm gonna have to face for a long time now, is tell mom to gimme at least a glass of milk each day (shudder) coz i have some apparent calcium-vitamin deficiency. Now i didn't MIND the finger.

Then i met an old classmate from school who called out to me as i was on my way back. I couldn.t even place him for about 7 seconds coz hell! he looked like warewolf! I was all, hey! hi! long time huh? And in my head it's all get a shave, Yeti! But it was ok coz then i saw American Idol where most wannabes looked pretty much like that.

Today is also the birthday of the dude who has had one of my closest friends sick with butterflies in the tummy for almost 2 years now. Soul Of Dawn, take a bow (proxy).

Now i'm realising that Warez stinks, so before it makes me go all my-world-is-ruined again, i'm calling it a day. Actually, i'll call it a nice day.


At 9:49 AM, Blogger God said...

WAREwolves dont require to shave :)

so did they like cut off ur middle finger? did u carry it back home with you - you can make a nice pendant you know

At 1:11 PM, Blogger Effervescence_13_ said...

Why did i gwt the feeling that the most disgusting part of the post would be what u'd comment on?
I still have the finger in 1 piece, thanx very much lol...
It might have been a typo...:p

At 10:27 AM, Blogger Soul of Dawn said...

Awwwww!!!C'mon....u can't bear an injection...wat a wus! & that 2 on a finger(middle finger of d left hand lol--plz explain urself).Wat d hell are u gonna do wen ur giving birth...God!!!U will blog for pages on end..."18 PAGES..FRONT & BACK"!!!!!

Btw...that wearwolf i just remembered happened to be my fave partner in school...n today is his birthday.Lets gift him a Gilette shaving set-u give the cream,i'll give the shaver-razor..watever.

And by the way...
Thanx for mentioning MY crush's birthday in YOUR blog.

At 11:14 AM, Blogger Effervescence_13_ said...

YEAH, YOU TRY AN ANESTHETIC ON YOUR POOR FINGER! but then ur hand's come from war...

We shall discuss the giving birth bit in person, ok?

I thought u said Nirav was your favourite partner. Werewolf sounds more plausible anyway...

At 9:06 PM, Blogger Partho P. Chakrabartty said...

lol. is this bonding?

oh, by the time you give birth, you'll be better prepared, i'm sure. not fully prepared of course.

the process is interesting, but it should be encouraged without the preceeding injection. that would make it all the more interesting, would it not?


At 10:53 AM, Blogger Effervescence_13_ said...

Partho! At this moment I can think of a lot off 'INTERESTING'ways to cause the death of you.

At 12:03 PM, Blogger Soul of Dawn said...

lol...if u need an interesting way to kill partho...ummm...wen technology advances to such a stage that men can give birth..make sure that Partho is the 1st man to face the ordeal...that too he should get octuplets.There will be enough junior partho's to compensate for the loss of 1.

Or instead of waiting soo long...justtake him to a parlour & make him get a full body wax...OUCHHHHHHHHH!!!! Thats bound to give him an out of body experience.what say u???


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