Sunday, March 20, 2005


March 21 , better known as tomorrow, is lesser known as spring equinox. Basically what happens is that the apparent migration of the sun brings it directly to the equator on it's way up to the tropic of cancer. Hence equal day equal night tomorrow. The day is said to usher in spring worldwide. I suppose Wordsworth will rejoice in his grave tomorrow.

Sadly people are more intrigued today by 'sting' rather than spring. Still, it remains one of those days that serve as convenient excuses to make new beginnings. For me, it's gonna be in the form of some mental springcleaning. Too many cobwebs up there (yeah yeah, there is an 'up there') and it's time to clear out some garbage.

In the last 4 or 5 months there have been many little battles, skirmishes rather, most of which have now been laid to rest, at least ad hoc. I have lived a quasi- parallel life, where the subconscious has imitated the obvious. And though the subconscious can't be hepled, the obvious bloody well can.

Springcleaning has begun. Autumn equinox will hopefully reap the fruit.


At 8:29 PM, Blogger Partho P. Chakrabartty said...

one cannot but help notice the romantic trend. i need to touch base again with wordsworth. influential people (read sucheta) and sudden indispositions have made me turn against that phenomenon.

it is interesting how we find convenient excuses to model new beginnings. as if it really matters, that is just a secondary process I'm sure. spring, spring! how can one expect appreciation of spring at our current levels of existence?

my stars, no wonder the world is so starved of poetry :p the muses are choking on fumes, and nature herself, that primed peak of beauty... but whitman rejoiced in human spirit, perhaps we need to find similar bathwaters. which brings us back to the human spirit: and beginnings.

(something tells me the clean-up wasn't that effectual. it usually isn't :p)

At 5:39 AM, Blogger Effervescence_13_ said...

Not romantic, Partho, the counter- counter- romantic trend. And how could you lose touch with old Bill!

Yes. the 'covenient excuse' bit was a risk i took. So can we not focus on that?


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