Friday, November 03, 2006


I forget exactly what it is but today something made me see that difficulty is essentially good. No, i am not coming from a Chicken soup sort of premise to be saying this, i believe it to be one of my truths, something that has sprung organically from my own thinking rather than from hand-me-downs. Think about it, and it seems that difficulty is essentially good. Beause if nothing else, difficulty will shake you up. Shaking up implies movement. And movement, in whatever direction, is growth, it is one step closer to becoming you.

Because although i know there are much bigger things waiting for me to discover them, one thing is becoming clearer and clearer to me. Goodness, courage and honesty are more, oh so much more than just virtues. They are more like answers, even survival mechanisms. Forced goodness or honesty out of obligation will do nothing for you on the inside. But once you reach that point where you decide, on your own, without any external pressure, when you see them for what they are and in all their importance not for anything but for yourself in a larger scheme of will find there is something inside you waiting to blossom, if you will let it. Take honesty for example. If you are absolutely true to yourself, and as honest about what you want as you can possibly be, you will welcome anything that helps you to get it. Even difficulty, and difficulty is one of the things you will get the largest dozes of. Then difficulty will become a blessing, because it will be the candle that lights your next step.Actually, i don't know about you. This is only my truth, my realisation. Something else may well be what turns your pages. Me, I am almost tempted to accept that it all fits beautifully.

So when M.Scott Peck began The Road Less Traveled with the sentence 'life is difficult', truer words were never spoken, methinks. So far i accepted this, and i took it as something thrown my way, or, at most, as a challenge. But now, today...i feel almost thankful for it. And i don't know why. It is certainly not because i'm forcing myself into it as a way of coping. It has got NOTHING to do with positive reappraisals, for the first time in my life. For the first time in my life, i have arrived at a truth which was good, not because i wanted it to be good or i tweaked it into goodness, but because it just is. And it is just one itsy little answer. And to chronicle how i arrived at it would be to describe the angst of months, and still without knowing myself where the turning point came. In fact i don't think i even turned a corner, maybe just a little nook. But there is a tremendous feeling of hope inside. And after so many days, this hope feels big enough to just touch the hems of faith. Faith in what? Still don't know. Maybe that's what will come when i really turn that corner.

P.S. Just received an email with the following words by Louise Hay :
"That person who is hardest to forgive is the one who can teach youthe greatest lessons." Implication : the greater the difficulty, the greater the blessing. What can i say. I'm not even looking for miracles.


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