Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I know you are surprised. I'd be surprised if you weren't surprised. But then that's what time does to you. It changes you. That's how you know you're alive.
I'm glad you left when you left, for if you hadn't, perhaps i would never have discovered this side of me. I can tell you preferred that side of me. You loved my rough edges. Maybe you loved me for my rough edges. But i'v smoothened them out now. Most of them. So it's ok if you don't feel the same way anymore.
I don't feel the same way anymore. And i was the more romantic one. Maybe it's because i'm not the same any more, but you don't seem the same anymore either. Not that i would have felt the same if you were still your old self. Like you may have noticed by now, whatever the permutations and combinations, our's is a hopeless case. And i want it to stay that way.
You're back now, and sometimes when i look at you, it all comes back - how it felt then, how i saw you then, how i loved you then. And i know that when you look at me, you feel the same way - whatever you felt. You were never opaque to me. But i guess feeling that way has got nothing to do with where you stand in the present, it's just the past catching up with you. So thats okay. Because I cannot detach myself from the past, though i''v detached myself from you.
It's all still the same. And yet, it's all so different. We are entirely new individuals to each other, but the dynamics have remained constant. I don't make any sense? When did i ever make sense when it came to you?


At 2:02 AM, Blogger Soul of Dawn said...

She’s growing up, but her heart will not change.
She knows it deep inside and
likes feeling that way.

Fickle is dangling still; always has, perhaps always will.

At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

very beautifully written...simple and sincere...
and woman...you over estimate your senseless powers...that made perfect sense...
then again...i have an oestrogen induced brain swo...


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