Friday, December 08, 2006


Two things screwed me over today, and it's funny how this happened. One had to do with lies. The other had to do with telling the truth. Sometimes i feel i am not built for relationships. Screwing them up comes frightfully easy to me. I mean, one would think there needs be some effort in accomplishing something. Sometimes i don't even have to try.

I am trying to look inward to find the chink because i do know that's where it is. I cannot tell for sure yet whether it is projection or denial or terrible communication skills or fear or a simple lack of courage or a composite of them all and more. But i'm trying very hard to look at that previous post and derive some solace from it in the meanwhile. I know it is true. I just don't see it right now. As i don't see a lot of things.

Sometimes while talking about what i like best to talk about i tell people that taking one step backward as a reaction to taking two steps forward still ends you up one step ahead. It's how i like to put the Rogerian views i'v come to believe in. This has got to be the step backward. I had found strength somewhere for a little while. I didn't know i have to keep working to keep it.
"Neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering. "
- Carl Jung


At 12:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Three things to put up on your wall:

1) This, too, shall pass.

2) 'Equanimity'

3) Kipling's 'If'

At 8:53 AM, Blogger Effervescence_13_ said...


thank you, whoever you are. needed that today.


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