Tuesday, April 05, 2005

...That Wears The Crown.

I was hoping it would turn out to be just another All Fool's Day prank. But no, the new law is for real and, in all probability, here to stay. Starting April 1st, anyone and everyone who rides a two-wheeler in the state of Maharashtra will don that horrendous, restricting fetter of a thing called the helmet.

I can't imagine that there will be no more wind dancing through my hair, whispering sweet nothings in my ears as i move ahead at break neck speed on the pillion of a bike...it has been one of my best feelings ever. The helmet will snatch away one of my favourite tastes of freedom. And I'm sure it will even look hideous, almost like a burkha, the only consolation being that the chauvinists will wear them too. A thousand Atlases will now be seen on our streets. It's gonna be YUCK.

Those moron propaganda people can go on strikes over the imposition of VAT and lead morchas against slum demolition, but nobody cares about the freedom of their own heads. I mean, why make it mandatory! It's MY life, MY safety, MY concern, MY CHOICE! Those who think they are at risk of road accidents for whatever reason, have resorted to headgear long since.

Well, whatever. Desparate times call for desparate measures, I guess I shall HAVE to ask dad for a nice new shiny convertible...


At 11:42 AM, Blogger Soul of Dawn said...

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At 10:23 AM, Blogger Effervescence_13_ said...

Erm... i thought we had both reached the conclusion that the 'dudes on the bloody bikes' are almost extinct...so no, that is hardly an issue. Besides,in thios particular case, i think it is wayyy better the helmets stay on, that way we can assume our city still has hot dudes and feel happy. Also, the mystery element never hurt anybody...

And look...(and that's a hostile 'look')... it's bad enough being deprived of my dancing wind, u don't have to make it worse. My dancing wind was one of my few things i wo'nt let any cynicism touch.

I cross like i cross like i cross. I don't need to be applauded when i finally venture into the oh-so-dangerous road either.

At 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah! Your friend's all perturbed haan izzy :p

I love the wind blowing in my hair too...i think i grew it long for that reason...lolz...and it does! It does whisper sweet nothings in my ear too! This is brilliant!
Wait, maybe not...does that mean the wind loves someone besides me?

How rude!
*fretting again*

Keep ur sun shinin'

At 12:57 AM, Blogger Effervescence_13_ said...

Lol Adz, but then isn't that the beauty of the elements of nature...they love universally, unconditionally- considering that is too much to ask from human beings nowadays, there is still scope to revel.


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