Saturday, August 04, 2007

242 Moons

Today i am exactly two hundred and forty two months old.

And, no, i'm not as unemployed as that line makes it seem.

Now when ty began i promised myself that i'd pay more than 100% attention to what's going on in class, a standard i have been fairly successful in reaching. Not that it's a huge effort, coz my deep lowe for psycho only needs some sort of structure and then i'm set. But today in cog (for the uninitiated..thats cognitive psychology, taken by HappyHands HOD Maureen) i was somewhat..errr...distracted.


Not like the topic was mundane, oh no no no, it doesn't get much better than Retrieval Functions of Long Term Memory, and not like Maureen wasn't in her element as usual. But there was another element competing with her...and winning. Through the windows of the lab i watched the rain lash insanely down on the basketball court in the first quadrangle...with some strategic manipulation of the neck i could just catch the stained glass facade of Chaps (the Chapel, for the uninitiated), awash with God's Own Solution and cleaner than any number of forever dusting peons could ever dream of getting it...and when such things combine they generally put me in a cosmic mood too powerful even for a discussion of LTM circuitry to defeat.

The cosmic mood only had to manifest...and today it chose to do so arithmetically. In an attempt to tear myself away from the revelry outside i tried to focus, if not on Maureen's glinting eyes, then on the blackboard. Which was when i saw the date in the top left corner (along with a suspiciously too cheerful 'happy new month' that nobody will care to erase till the end of next week when temporal logic will finally catch up with someone)...the date was 4-8-07. Not that i wasn't aware of the encyclopaedia's birthday (here the uninitiated are receiving no help). But it suddenly struck me that, born on the 4th of june, i am exactly some number of months old today.

So i got calculating in the head while violently nodding at what i think was some point being made about how memory in LTM is in fact lost due to interference and not because of decay through 'time per se'. And i think my mental mathematical operations were interfered with themselves because, for some reason, the figure i was arriving at wouldn't quite match up to expectations. I multiplied, quite simply, 20 by 12 and then added 2...and the answer came to a mere paltry 242! I calculated again. My tables were impeccable. How could it be? I'd never really got down to sitting down and doing the math, but somehow i'd felt i must be at least a thousand months old. I mean, cmon! I'm 20 yrs old! and thats only 242 months? In 242 months iv become the me i am? I don't know if anyone would empathise, but it seemed a terribly tiny amount time to be alive for. So then i multiplied 20 by 52 and got a more decent number, but then i had to admit after a while that i was now going into weeks.

So i'm a time-overestimator. That explains my tempestuous relationships with deadlines.

Two hundred and forty two months. Imagine, if those stupid Egyptians had read the Nile in some different way, i'd have had two hundred and forty two birthdays.


Ah. Who am i kidding. Birthday or no birthday, every one of the two hundred and forty two have been GRAND. Maybe not if we break them up into their..erm..components, but looking at my tapestry so far, i'm loving the design. There are gonna be some prettty memorable pricks of the needle as it navigates through some complicated territory, but see the picture its working towards. Grand. I can't wait for the cross stitch to kick in.

Happy 242nd to me!


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