Monday, April 11, 2005

He Does

Love can make you do funny things. Mark Waugh has finally gotten married and his wife is a horse-trainer. The funny bit? Waugh is allergic to horse hair.

Now this may not seem like a huge thing, besides, Waugh adores horses (he had actually considered working with horses full time after he hung his cricketing boots, but then the allergy factor set in and he opted out.) Still, imagine being married to somebody who eats, breathes and sleeps what you are allergic to or a part thereof...hey! maybe luurve will conquer the irritating hypersensitivity(though from what i'v seen so far love TRIGGERS hypersensitivity...) hell with you cynicism, wish him the most amazing married life. In any case, a marraige should be safe in the safest hands on the field. What say, Laxman?


At 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well well well...that's summin i didn't know...ahh well...good luck to em both...

love triggers hypersensitivity?...well...looks like 'stable' love is out of question for em both huh?

and let me mention that laxman's form was very adversly affected after he got married...*points to sehwag*...him too...

At 11:45 AM, Blogger Effervescence_13_ said...

Bugs! Keep your sleazy slash outta mark's life!:) He's straight!

Laxman and Veeru ok, but erm would't u like to bash a certain mrs vijeta dravid the same way?:p
Oh but u can't! (haha sadistic me!!!)

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Soul of Dawn said...

Do u really think looove will conquer horse smell???Lets hope it does for his sake!!!

imagine their wedding vows..

I take thee horse trainer blah sickness n in health...till death(or horse hair allergy(which cud lead to my deth)) do us part.

At 10:03 AM, Blogger Effervescence_13_ said...

Who cares what is said...i think any sort of wedding vows are totally romantic...


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