Friday, April 15, 2005


Today cannot go unblogged.

Today was my day of miracles. Everything i touched turned to gold. Everyone I saw, met, interacted with, seemed like they had been sent down from heaven, specially for me.

I do not know where and how it started. I definitely did not wake up in love with the world. In the duration of 16 hrs i was made to fall in love with it and tonight i shall go to bed, smitten.

My day started normal. Woke up, went swimming, devoured a bowl of cornflakes and settled down with the newpaper. Today was the second-last day of the month of Ava (water), a month in which to worship and honour the element of water. I have had a love affair with water since forever, so i wanted to celebrate the magic of this month through my own prayer. So i went along with dad to this well near Azad Maidan that is supposed to be holy. There were a few men and women there, all engrossed in silent prayer, some sitting on little green benches and others preferring to stand by the well. As i lighted a 'diya', i was enamoured, once again, by the majesty of the steady flame. Somehow it reminded me of the movie 'Black' that i had seen yesterday.

I think that was when the madness commenced. Every face i looked into, Divinity shone right back at me through it. As, after having gazed enough into the water, i sat on a bench to read my little book of prayer, wondering what had come over me, the book opened to a page which read, 'I am in each of you, and everywhere.' Now i pride myself in being quite a believer, but this was pushing it too far...even i was spellbound at the pat answer to a question i was still about to ask.

Anyway, the madness continued throughout the day. I think today i have seen angels, what they call 'farishta'. I even got the same vibe from the eyes of a dog i came across on the street!

What's more, i was to spend the day with a friend, a friend who has been little short of a miracle to me herself- (you will read this i'm sure, u have no idea how much i'v learnt from you. You are one of the miracles of my life. Now you know one reason why my 'face was shining')

We saw the movie 'Hitch' which was, well, fabulous. I bagged a sexy pair of earrings and a sexy skirt later(miracle). Oh and amidst all this i happened to glance at my perpetually-an-hour-ahead watch and guess what i see- THE CORRECT TIME! My miracle day.

In the train i saw an adorably chubby little boy selling Midday and i swear he looked exactly like cupid. The walk home from the station threw up similar stuff too many and too tiny for me to venture to explain. But i'm smiling away to glory even as i am posting this.

Circumstance-wise it wasn't even an on-par day. We got a third thrashing from pakistan in cricket, mom was a little hostile about my buying that skirt and the weather pretty much sucked. But none of it matters to me right now. None of it can even touch me right now. I saw angels, i was miracled.


At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

for every life you touch, it is repeated twice-fold...for every life that touches you, a million more are lit up...your day of miracles is blessed and archive it in that memory to pull the dusty books when it is most needed...little miracles...that light our souls *hugs you*

"We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone. and as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same."-Nelson Mandela

that was on my desk and well...

At 12:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

another miracle
- i don't get to know half the things that you do during the day !! am sure you will figure out who this is...


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