Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Uneasy Lies The Head...

Thank Heavens those at the top had sense enough to back Saurav even after the third test debacle. It would have been a shame if they had displaced him - a shame for themselves, coz dada would have been back in the team in a matter of months.

One man who I am sure must be revelling in Saurav's lack of form is one Mr Bishen Singh Bedi. The man is to Ganguly what Ian Chapell was to Steve Waugh - 10 times worse a captain in his day, yet critical of the way he probably ties his shoe laces. But he has more than his match in Saurav if verbal repartee is what he is banking on.

I have many friends who have no respect for him and who are gonna guffaw all the way through this post, i am sure. I have a cousin who is my cricket-discussion-to-death partner who refuses to even take his name and refers to him as 'your faviourite' and, lately, 'baboon'. One pal who will probably read this is aching to lay bets with me on how much longer Saurav will remain in the team.

It gets hard even for me sometimes so imagine what he must be going through. But he will pull through it, I'm sure. He has done it in the past and he will do it again. Because, all jokes apart, i honestly think he is a very capable guy and more than able to lead this boiling pot of a team. He is articulate which is a welcome attribute after the Mohammad 'err the boys umm were not upto the mark today ummm' Azharuddins, he doesn't take shit from anybody, and most importantly, he is forthright and honest about his work.

When Sachin, Saurav or Steve Waugh fall from grace the way Hansie Cronje did, I shall give up watching cricket. And a part of me will give up on humanity.

So Saurav, you go guy, and shut those bigmouths up once and for all. To improvise on what your inspiration Steve Waugh once said, we shall beat the crisis because we hate being beaten.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I Learn This Again...

It's just that we think we know somebody so well and then we run across something- anything, a line, a glance, a word, the tiniest thing- that brings us back down and yells, who'r u kidding!

Friday, March 25, 2005

Shopper, STOP!

I have GOT to stop buying new clothes! Today i bought a pair of trousers that cost me almost a grand and I still haven't told mom about it. But how could i help it? They were oh-so-beautiful! (think that would work as an excuse?)

I feel like an alcoholic who once rarely touched spirit and is now in the Black-out stage of acute alcoholism- u know, the one in which he goes into denial about his problem (and HIS mom also probably doesn't know about it).

Thank heavens i'm leaving this freaking shopping-monster city till the end of the week! Otherwise, who knows what i would have bought!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Smartasses Speak

Hate, as a relation to objects, is older than love.
-Sigmund Freud

If you're looking for love in all the wrong places, we might bump into each other.
-Drew Carrey

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Fitting In

This has GOT to be the perfect aphrodasiac for any jerk seeking to cyber in open chat rooms!

This happened minutes ago when i was on icq as Rhea, and, didn't exactly, i suppose, 'fit in'.

FitMan> hi
Rhea>hi there
(no answer)
ur ageless, sexless, locationless?
:) scary!
what's scary?
erm...who am i talking too?
lol to aGreek stud
tell em about u really
cool. rhea was also a greek Goddess. did u know that, greek stud?
where r u from?
(ok, clearly, not impressed by my mythological gyan)
i am from india
how old are u? 28
u babe? 17
r u sexy?

(the foreplay begins)
what do u think?
that u r!
(yeah, butter her up)
good! u have capable thinking powers
tell me about ur look Rhea
(i have a 'look'?)
why dont u go first
tall, slim
(but of course)
green eyes
brown hair
thick cock

(this is supposed to be the clincher)
u now
are ur eyes olive green or bright green?
olive ones
(he actually answers that)
Rhea> olive as in dark olive or pale olive?
u know how olives can look when they'r old
(ok, that proves too much even for a soaring libido)
ok, bye
(oh no , not just yet.)
what happened?
u r kidding
u tell me ur look
if u want

(oh gosh. guess i MUST tell him 'my look' now)
first answer all my questions
pale olives
mm<> i was hoping they would be brighter
more lively that way, don't u think?
whatever u say hottie
(last, desparate attempt)
but how can i change ur eyes from olive to bright green?
(that's it)
r u sick?
<> no...why do u ask?

Finished. He was gone, just like that. Now i'm nursing a broken heart. How COULD he!?

Against All Odds

A miracle happened today. Simon Cowell actually told an aspiring American Idol that she would not only win the competition, but would also become the most popular Idol so far. I am wont to believe that was because Paula Abdul seemed under contract to land two smackers on his cheek every time a positive utterance escaped his mouth, but it still qualifies as a miracle.

Then, in the same show, i experienced something better than a miracle. After a loooooooooooong time i heard the song 'Against All Odds' by Phil Collins. I had almost forgotten it even existed. I think it's one of the most super songs ever penned.

Before all this i went to see the dermatologist on a routine visit and he did two beastly things. First, he operated upon some wierd virus infection on the middle finger of my left hand. I probably got the worst injection of my life, after which mom had the nerve to say 'don't be a baby its just a local anesthetic'. yah sure. And i thought those were given to numb us against pain. After this i think i could have borne anything that was to come (not!). The rest of it was interesting actually. I could watch unaffected, like a third person, as he first burnt the wound black ant then cut it off. I felt like huck finn, getting kicks out of the whole operation. Huck finn would have grinned, however, to see that all this while my middle finger was pointed right at the derm:p

The second horrible thing he did, whose effects i'm gonna have to face for a long time now, is tell mom to gimme at least a glass of milk each day (shudder) coz i have some apparent calcium-vitamin deficiency. Now i didn't MIND the finger.

Then i met an old classmate from school who called out to me as i was on my way back. I couldn.t even place him for about 7 seconds coz hell! he looked like warewolf! I was all, hey! hi! long time huh? And in my head it's all get a shave, Yeti! But it was ok coz then i saw American Idol where most wannabes looked pretty much like that.

Today is also the birthday of the dude who has had one of my closest friends sick with butterflies in the tummy for almost 2 years now. Soul Of Dawn, take a bow (proxy).

Now i'm realising that Warez stinks, so before it makes me go all my-world-is-ruined again, i'm calling it a day. Actually, i'll call it a nice day.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Knock, knock
Who’s there?
A Predator drone-launched Hellfire missile.
Saddam, I think it’s for you!

Birthday Boy

It's big brother's birthday. Well it's not technically, just according to the Parsi calendar. I call these birthday's 'fake' birthdays, but i love them because they give two days (fake and real) to celebrate, sometimes even to party :P

It's been 23 years today since planet Earth (and my hearth) received the devil reincarnated. I was lucky to get a respite of 5 years for the simple reason that that was when i was born. But i tell you, it hasn't been easy living since. Only the sorority of young sisters to big brothers can understand this. For almost 18 years now i have endured the slow washing of my Karma from the last life, for otherwise Providence couldn't be this mean. I mean, he;s so wierd! He digs that yucky utensil-clashing he prefers to call 'heavy metal', the sight of books creates disgusted distortions in his face, and back in school even getting less than 60 marks would matter tuppence to him. I could go on and on and on. Oh how can i forget the first time i rode the pillion of his bike only to crash down cos he was on an ego trip against some other stupid biker.

Still, somehow i keep forgiving him. Because for every stinky thing about him, there is a warming memory. Like the nights the two of us would hurl eggs from the balcony at the unsuspecting public down on the streets. And innumerable walks together. And the times we are privy to each other's secrets, all the time pretending, even to each other, that we don't know a THING, yet guarding every little detail from mom, dad and others. And how the two of us went hunting Oxford street and picadilly circus and every accessible shopping street in london coz he wanted the perfect outfit for his girlfriend (ohh noooooooo! nothing sleeveless! nooooooo! that colour's too bright, see something more subdued..nooooooooooo! tooo dull, a little brighter. Yeah that's nice, but i hate the side buttons......)

He's completed 23. And only yesterday he was in standard 9 and we were playing hide and seek with his creepy friends( he still has creepy friends tho'. Some things don't change).

Oh what the hell. The sorority would guillotine me if they knew who was making me go sentimental. But you know what? I don't think i care!

Sunday, March 20, 2005


March 21 , better known as tomorrow, is lesser known as spring equinox. Basically what happens is that the apparent migration of the sun brings it directly to the equator on it's way up to the tropic of cancer. Hence equal day equal night tomorrow. The day is said to usher in spring worldwide. I suppose Wordsworth will rejoice in his grave tomorrow.

Sadly people are more intrigued today by 'sting' rather than spring. Still, it remains one of those days that serve as convenient excuses to make new beginnings. For me, it's gonna be in the form of some mental springcleaning. Too many cobwebs up there (yeah yeah, there is an 'up there') and it's time to clear out some garbage.

In the last 4 or 5 months there have been many little battles, skirmishes rather, most of which have now been laid to rest, at least ad hoc. I have lived a quasi- parallel life, where the subconscious has imitated the obvious. And though the subconscious can't be hepled, the obvious bloody well can.

Springcleaning has begun. Autumn equinox will hopefully reap the fruit.